First Eucharist
First Eucharist
The Sacrament of the First Eucharist is for children who have already received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is Sacrament is usually received in grade 4.
Meeting 1 - Parents only
Tuesday, 4 February - Resurrection Little Chapel - 7.00 PM
Meeting 2 - Parents & child
Tuesday, 11 March - St. Anthony’s Big Hall - 7.00 PM
Please bring a pencil case.
If you missed the 1st meeting, please attend our catch up meeting on:
Thursday, 13 February - St. Anthony's Parish office. - 6.00 PM
If you can not attend the meetings, please make sure to send someone who is not already in the program in your place.
If you loose your profile page or mass attendance form, please download them and complete it.

Profile Page

Mass Attendance Form
Please fill in the form below to select your child's Frist Eucharist Ceremony.